Daily Archives: June 16, 2013

June 16

Psalm 104

  • Make a list of the attributes of God that are described in this Psalm.
  • How does this Psalm portray the relational nature of God?

Psalm 114

  • What does this Psalm communicate about God’s relationship with Israel?

Psalm 115

  • How does the description of idols compare with Psalm’s 104 description of the Living God?

1 Kings 20:1-43

  • How does Ahab respond to Ben-Hahad’s threats?
  • Why does the LORD defend Ahab against Ben-Hadad’s attack?
  • Describe Ben-Hadad’s view of Israel’s God.
  • Why does Ahab free Ben-Hadad?
  • How does the LORD confront Ahab’s foolishness?
  • How does Ahab respond to the prophet’s rebuke?
  • What does this story teach you about God?


Thank the LORD that you live in a country where you were able to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. Pray for those in other lands who worship idols. Pray that God will raise up men and women in our generation who will go and tell them about the God with skin on, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Questions are excerpted from Chronological Bible Discipleship – the CBD Personal Devotional Study by Iva May, Copyright 2010. Devotional may be found at Chronological Bible Teaching.